h Mineralogia
SCImago Journal & Country Rank


Mineralogia, a free open access journal, publishes original research and review papers from the broad fields of geochemistry, mineralogy, petrology, technical, experimental and applied mineralogy, and environmental sciences. Mineralogia (formerly Mineralogia Polonica) has a more than 50 year long tradition as an English language journal. The regular series Mineralogia is accompanied by Mineralogia - Special Papers (containing conference abstracts) and Thematic Collections. Mineralogia follows the continuous publication model.

Benefits for the Authors:

  • fast and constructive blind peer reviews provided by international specialists,
  • free electronic version available on Sciendo webpage,
  • English language correction for authors from non-English speaking countries,
  • no processing and no publication charges,
  • promotion of published articles,
  • abstracting and indexing in the Sciendo databases.

Mineralogia offers publications of the following formats: original research papers, review papers, scientific communications, short notes (e.g. new interesting occurrences of minerals), book reviews and letters to the editors with comments on the papers published in Mineralogia.

If you have any questions regarding our journal, please address them to: mineralogia at mineralogia.pl

Scope of the Journal

The journal facilitates communication and promotes scientific research in the scope of:

  • descriptive mineralogy,
  • experimental mineralogy,
  • igneous petrology,
  • metamorphic petrology,
  • sedimentary petrology,
  • hard rock geochemistry,
  • geochronology and petrochronology,
  • environmental mineralogy and geochemistry,
  • and related disciplines.


Check the Editorial Board here

Jarek Majka

Jarosław Majka


AGH University of Krakow, Kraków, Poland
Uppsala University, Uppsala Sweden
jaroslaw.majka at geo.uu.se

Tomasz Bajda

Tomasz Bajda

Associate Editor

AGH University of Krakow, Kraków, Poland
bajda at agh.edu.pl

Abigail Barker

Associate Editor

Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden
abigail.barker at geo.uu.se

Silvio Ferrero

Associate Editor

University of Cagliari, Cagliari, Italy
silvio.ferrero at unica.it

Iwona Klonowska

Assistant Editor

AGH University of Krakow, Kraków, Poland
Uppsala University, Uppsala Sweden
klonowska at agh.edu.pl

Karolina Kośmińska

Assistant Editor

AGH University of Krakow, Kraków, Poland
karolina.kosminska at agh.edu.pl

Irena Brunarska

Assistant Editor

Jagiellonian University, Poland, Cracow
irena.brunarska at uj.edu.pl



Mineralogical Society of Poland,
al. Mickiewicza 30,
30-059 Kraków, Poland


mineralogia at mineralogia.pl


De Gruyter Poland
Bogumiła Zuga 32A Str.
01-811 Warsaw, Poland
T: +48 22 701 50 15

Financial Support

Czasopismo Mineralogia zostało dofinansowane ze środków Ministerstwa Edukacji i Nauki w ramach programu "Rozwój Czasopism Naukowych" na podstawie umowy nr RCN/SN/0190/2021/1 z dnia 20 grudnia 2022 r. Okres realizacji projektu: 2022-2024. Wartość dofinansowania: 76 000 PLN. Celem programu jest wsparcie redakcji czasopisma "Mineralogia" w realizacji strategii jego rozwoju. Projekt obejmuje wdrożenie profesjonalnych praktyk edytorskich, umiędzynarodowienie zespołu redakcyjnego oraz optymalizację systemów zarządzania publikacjami w celu zwiększenia rozpoznawalności i atrakcyjności czasopisma w środowisku naukowym.